Registration Link for UK Exoplanet Community Meeting 2022
Google form to submit "Unconference" Session suggestions
Important information regarding registration:
The talk abstract submission deadline is 15 July 2022.
The poster abstract / general registration deadline is 2 September 2022.
An online-only registration option is available for 20 GBP, for those who cannot travel to Edinburgh and prefer to attend virtually.
A discounted registration fee is available for PhD and masters students.
The conference will consist of 2.5 days of traditional conference talks and one afternoon of "unconference", to offer small group sessions and the chance to interact one-on-one with colleagues. This means that we will probably not be able to accommodate all requests for talk. The scientific organising committee will select talks, with the aim of ensuring that a range of topics are presented, that priority is given to early career researchers, and that those from under-represented groups in astronomy receive an opportunity to present their work.
We appreciate that some may be disappointed if their talk is not selected, but we hope that most would still choose to attend the meeting to present their work in poster form and to have an opportunity to interact directly with others in the UK Exoplanet Community.