69th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics

St. Andrews
19th August - 1st September 2012


We are intending to publish your lectures as a ~400 page textbook which encompasses the theoretical foundations, experimental status and associated physics tools of LHC Physics. The proposed structure of the book to be published by Canopus Academic is:

1. Theoretical Foundations

1. Quantum Chromodynamics - J. Stirling (3 hours, 30 pages)
2. Electroweak Physics and Higgs - S. Heinemeyer (3 hours, 30 pages)
3. Heavy Flavour Physics - Y Grossman (3 hours, 30 pages)
4. BSM phenomenology and EWSB - G. Cacciapaglia (4 hours, 40 pages)

2. Experimental Results from the Large Hadron Collider

1. Standard Model - P. Maettig (4 hours, 40 pages)
2. Higgs - W. Murray (3 hours, 30 pages)
3. Flavour Physics - T. Gershon (3 hours, 30 pages)
4. Searches for New Physics - J. Richman (3 hours, 30 pages)

3. Tools

1. Monte Carlo tools - M. Seymour (3 hours, 30 pages)
2. Statistical Methods - G. Cowan (3 hours, 30 pages)

Guidance for authors

The proceedings must be typseset using the Springer SVMult latex tool package. Please download the zip file (link) with all relevant style files and examples.
- the Springer document class "svmult.cls"
- the Springer MakeIndex style file "svind.ist"
- the Springer MakeIndex style file "svindd.ist" - german version
- the Springer BibTeX styles "spbasic.bst", "spmpsci.bst", "spphys.bst"
- the sample text file "author.tex",
- the sample figure file "figure.eps"
- the sample reference file "referenc.tex"
- the pdf file "quickstart.pdf" with "essentials" for an easy implementation of the "SVMult" package (2 pages)
- the pdf file "refguide.pdf" describing the SVMult document class features independent of any specific style requirements.
- the pdf file "authsamp.pdf" as an example of a "contribution"

The deadline for the proceedings is 30 November 2012. Early submission is very much appreciated and will enhance the impact of the textbook.

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Last updated on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 - 2:56pm

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